Josh Wallach, a junior economics major, is sick of casual encounters and shallow conversation and he’s given up on meeting someone at the bars or the parties he frequents.
For Wallach and many other Aggies in similar situations, meeting the right person can be difficult to say the least. That’s why the Experimental College (EC) is hosting a speed dating event tonight at 7 p.m. in the Silo.
Speed dating fits with the EC’s new slogan, “Everyone experiments in college, why shouldn’t you?”
Lawrence Kennedy, EC public relations director, explained that the event isn’t just for those looking for a date.
“The whole point of the event is to get different people from different parts of the UC Davis community to meet each other,” he said. “Hopefully people will become friends with other students they would have otherwise never met. If a date comes out of it – well that’s even better.”
There will be booths at the event for different clubs and organizations, all in the spirit of bringing people with different backgrounds together. EC instructors will also be at the event to promote their classes.
Kennedy expects between 80 and 100 students to attend speed dating, which costs $3 at the door or $2 from an EC member, but encourages everyone to come, even if you feel a little awkward.
“We’re going to have an MC, who’s going to break the tension and make things less awkward,” he said. “We’ve also come up with some good questions for everyone to help break the ice. The whole point is to get out of your comfort zone. Hopefully that experience will be rewarding.”
Each dating round will last three minutes, and when the rounds are over, participants will have the opportunity to exchange phone numbers, either platonically or romantically.
“The event is about speed dating, but also about promoting the Experimental College, and different groups on campus,” said Shamita Jayakumar, EC public relations intern. “This event is [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] friendly, we want everyone who’s interested to participate.”
Wallach is excited to participate in the event and is happy there are groups on campus dedicated to helping him and other romantically frustrated Aggies.
“When you’re looking for love in all the wrong places, life can get pretty frustrating,” Wallach said. “If I can’t find love at speed dating, I might have to just give up.”
ANDY VERDEROSA can be reached at