60.7 F

Davis, California

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Student Affairs develops strategies to assist in meeting student needs

The Student Affairs Strategic Planning Steering Committee has identified seven strategic directions that will assist in making changes to the campus community, after surveying and interviewing campus constituents, including staff, students, faculty and alumni.

According to a recent draft of the plan, the directions are intended to position the division of Student Affairs for success in meeting the needs of students over the next five to ten years.

Once the plan has been finalized, leaders within Student Affairs will set specific strategies to go about achieving the goals.

ASUCD President Carly Sandstrom said that this will give a direction to Student Affairs, as the division is involved with various student life groups.

“ Student Housing, Center for Student Involvement, ASUCD, Registrar’s Office, Campus Recreation and Unions, Athletic clubs, and much more are all under Student Affairs and all of these services influence a student’s time here whether they join a club, become involved in student government, are signing up for classes, or are on an athletic club team,” Sandstrom said in an email interview.

The strategies are accountability in utilizing resources effectively and efficiently and mentoring students for post-graduate experiences (accountability); improving the overall experience for those participating in or utilizing the services of Student Affairs (Coordinated Delivery of Services); being mindful of student needs during current and future facilities renovation or construction (facilities); relying on multiple or alternative funding sources, such as endowment funds and development campaigns (financial considerations); reflecting an understanding and appreciation of all cultures in programs, services and activities (Multi-cultural Awareness and Stewardship); ensuring technology is up-to-date and efficient (technology); and enhancing the quality of life and overall well-being of students (wellness).

“By collaborating, getting feedback from all constituents, and working towards a general goal as a vision, I think it will bring a stronger Student Affairs and help give a unified vision to the next Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs that they can hopefully use in their leadership moving forward,” Sandstrom said.

No dates for the completion of these potential strategies have been established yet.

— Muna Sadek


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