The California Aggie publishes weekly in print during the academic year, and continues to publish news daily on it’s online platform, to inform and update the UC Davis campus at https://theaggie.org – and copies of the weekly virtual newspaper can be picked up at the sites indicated on the media kit, or viewed at https://issuu.com/theaggie
Since 1915, The Aggie has been the trusted campus news and information source for the students, staff and faculty of the University of California, Davis and the members of the greater Davis community.
The Aggie provides an effective platform for local businesses, campus affiliates and national advertisers to reach thousands of students, staff and faculty through our weekly printed newspaper and dynamic website.
- The Aggie newspaper publishes weekly every Thursday during the academic year, with special publications for the summer months.
- The Aggie’s website, theaggie.org, receives between 60,000-80,000 views monthly.
We are happy to assist you in developing an effective and affordable print and/or online advertising campaign with The California Aggie.
Aggie Media Kit 2024-2025
For advertising information email: admanager@theaggie.org
Updated Sept. 2024