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Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

CD Review: The Wild Hunt

Tallest Man on Earth

The Wild Hunt

Dead Oceans

Rating: 4

Kristian Matsson, better known as the Tallest Man on Earth, has released a second full-length album that has garnered him comparisons to the legendary Bob Dylan. The Wild Hunt features elements of ragged melodies and engaging lyricism that highlight the striking similarities.

Matsson’s voice, by itself or in tandem with his nostalgia-drenched acoustic guitar, is pure folk brilliance without apologies or insinuations. In the album’s opener, “The Wild Hunt,” Matsson sings about accepting and believing in life’s qualities, rather than battling against them. In the ballad-like track, “Kids on the Run,” he drops the guitar and pairs his raspy voice with the piano instead. The song channels his ability to produce a more current sound of the American South.

This album contains all the austerity that you’d expect from an evocative Swedish-rooted musician – mingled into a pleasing hybrid form of colorful and melodic folk.

Give these tracks a listen: “The Wild Hunt” and “The Drying of the Lawns”

For fans of: Bob Dylan, Wilco

– Vanna Le


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