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Davis, California

Friday, September 6, 2024

CD review: Unknown Component

Artist: Unknown Component

Album: Infinite Definitive

Label:Unknown Component

Rating: 4

Initially, Infinite Definitive sounds like it could be heard on a movie during the opening credits, or a running or happy scene. The harmony is a little repetitive at first, but the songs grow on you. The songs are cheery, positive and uplifting in sound and Keith Lynch’s seasoned voice adds to the flavor. It’s good enough to hear in a serious movie and calm enough to fall asleep to.

A good listen through each song is worth a shot! It never hurts to have an open mind and an open ear, especially when it comes to music. For more information on Unknown Component, visit unknowncomponent.com or look for him on Facebook.

Give these tracks a listen: “Future Circles,” “The Experience of Understanding,” “Every Measure and Space”

For Fans of: Art of Noise, The Fray

– Lea Murillo


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