84.4 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

City seeks summer employees

The fifth annual City of Davis’ Recreation Job Fair will be held on Jan. 26 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Center. Applicants will be able to meet potential employers, learn about the positions available and turn in completed applications.

Part-time vacancies include posts as lifeguards, swim instructors, day camp counselors, recreation office assistants, alternative and inclusive recreation leaders, cashiers, snack bar attendants, as well as gymnastics and dance coaches.

“We usually receive hundreds of applications every year,” said City of Davis Community Services Coordinator Sandra Montgomery. “It’s extremely important that applicants turn in their applications as soon as possible because we stop accepting them after we receive about 50 or so for pool cashier, pool snack bar and swim aide positions.”

Applications for the City of Davis Job Fair and detailed job descriptions can be found online and applications should be completed prior to attending the job fair. Montgomery encourages students to bring a resume, dress professionally and make the most of the opportunity to speak with representatives at the job fair.

It is imperative that students bring a completed application regardless of whether or not they have a resume, Montgomery said.

“I’m looking for people who think outside the box,” said Christine Foster, director of teen programs, outdoor education and special interest classes at the city of Davis. “Experience is always a plus, especially experience working in customer service, but I’m going to hire people that can come up with an idea and make it happen.”

Foster discussed how leadership skills are especially important for positions with outdoor education and teen programs.

“In many of the outdoor and teen programs you have to be able to make a decision at the drop of a hat,” Foster said. “There’s a lot of responsibility in that.”

Filing dates for the applications are in early February. The city of Davis aims to have many of the positions filled by early March. For some director and assistant director positions, applicants must be available to start planning for summer activities in early spring.

“We are always looking for support staff to help with the on-site junior high after-school programs,” said Foster. “Counselors that show potential during the summer programs have a good chance of securing a year-round position.”

Positions as gymnastics and dance coaches are available year round. Applicants do not need prior experience with dance or gymnastics in order to be considered.

“Mainly I look for people that want to work with kids,” said Shannon Clegg, director of gymnastics and dance programs. “It’s very important that applicants have an outgoing personality.”

Students with questions about the Job Fair may contact the Community Services department at 757-5626.

CARLY HAASE can be reached city@theaggie.org.


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