68.3 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Featured Artist: Matthew Weston Taylor

Matthew Weston Taylor just graduated from UC Davis’ MFA program at the end of last year. He studied art in a variety of places including UC Davis and attended the Accademia Di Belle Arti in Florence while getting his BFA in Pictorial Art from San Jose. His paintings are slightly abstract and use simple colors. During Taylor’s time at Davis, his work was featured at The Richard L. Nelson Gallery MFA show, The House of Others. He also received the Freemon P. Gadberry award from UC Davis in 2009 and 2010.

The Aggie: How did you get started with painting and artwork? Where have you studied?

Taylor: I grew up learning photography from my dad and really started taking formal art classes in college. I began college at San Diego State University, studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, Italy for a year, received by BFA from San Jose State University and my MFA from UC Davis.

What mediums do you like to work with and why?

I am primarily a painter/drawer so oil paint and pencil primarily, with some water color at times and such.

How would you describe your style of artwork?

I don’t think people should think or worry about style; at least I try not to. Make the work you have to make because it is honest, not because of its style.

What are your favorite subjects to paint/depict in your artwork?

Most of the things or elements in my work come from what is right around me or things that I have assimilated and end up feeling like they are a part of my daily experience, even if they are removed.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I think most inspiration comes from reality, both what you can understand and what you can’t. Art and artists can also be motivating, both as examples of possibilities, but also what not to do or be.

What are any upcoming shows/exhibitions or projects you are working on?

Beyond making stuff as always, I wish I could say.


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