73.6 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

I don’t remember signing this…

An undergraduate was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) due to accusations of forgery. Specifically, the student had forged a letter and the signature of an administrative official, and was referred to SJA when the actual official received the forged letter. When the student met with a judicial officer, the student admitted that he had forged the letter and agreed to the disciplinary sanctions of a one-year suspension and deferred separation status. The deferred separation punishment means that for the rest of his time at UC Davis, if this student violates the Code of Academic Conduct, he would likely be suspended or dismissed if found in violation. In addition, the student agrees to waive his right to a formal hearing if referred to SJA again.

Just one more minute!

A first-year student was referred to SJA for receiving an unfair advantage on a chemistry exam. In particular, the professor called “time” multiple times, but the student ignored every one of the warnings and kept working. When the student met with the SJA Officer, he said that he had not heard any of the warnings. The matter was settled informally, with the student agreeing to the sanctions of disciplinary probation and community service. A disciplinary probation means that the student could be suspended or dismissed if found in violation of academic misconduct again.

Sharing is not caring

A first-year student was referred to SJA for unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment. Specifically, the student had discussed and worked on the homework with her friends, which was against the instructor’s policy. When the student met with the judicial officer, she explained that although the professor had warned her about collaboration, she had not understood his policies accurately. The student agreed to the sanction of disciplinary probation.

Campus Judicial Reports are compiled by members of STUDENT JUDICIAL AFFAIRS.


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