101 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the Nov. 17 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room. The ASUCD president is not required to attend senate meetings.

Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.

Adam Thongsavat, ASUCD president, present
Bree Rombi, ASUCD vice president, present
Yena Bae, ASUCD senator, present
Miguel Espinoza, ASUCD senator, present
Emmanuel Diaz-Ordaz, ASUCD senator, present
Andre Lee, ASUCD senator, present
Amy Martin, ASUCD senator, present
Mayra Martín, ASUCD senator, present
Tatiana Moana Bush, ASUCD senator, present
Darwin Moosavi, ASUCD senator, present
Matthew Provencher, ASUCD senator, present
Brendan Repicky, ASUCD senator, present
Rebecca Sterling, ASUCD senator, present
Ryan Meyerhoff, ASUCD senator, present

Exceptional Presence at senate award was given to Rebecca Sterling and Matt Provencher.

Most Legislation Written awarded to Andre Lee.

Michael John Tucker Leadership Award was given to Darwin Moosavi.

The Hottie Hot Hot award was given to Tatiana Bush and Matt Provencher.

Diaz-Ordaz, Sterling, Moosavi, Provencher, Bush and Lee said their farewells.

Anni Kimball, Justin Goss, Patrick Sheehan, Yara Zokaie, Erica Padgett and Jared Crisologo-Smith were sworn in as senators.

Appointments and confirmations
Bae was elected as the new pro-tempore.

Zokaie was appointed as a senate representative to the Student Health and Wellness Committee.

Consideration of Urgent Legislation
Senate Resolution 3, authored by Crisologo-Smith, co-authored by Bush, Diaz-Ordaz, Espinoza, Martín, Montelongo and Repicky, to denounce recent hate crimes committed on the UC Davis campus and reaffirm their support of our Principles of Community. The table and the public talked with the Student-Police Relations representative. The table also added a part to the resolution that stated it was against The California Aggie running a particular column. The resolution passed unanimously.

Senate Resolution 4, authored by Roberts, Barcello, Tajada, Knouse, Baker, Kealoha, Samaan and Altenberg, co-authored by Goss and Sandstrom, introduced by Martin, in support of a sustained occupation on the campus with the absence of police interference. After a long discussion with the authors about legality issues, the resolution passed in a 9-2-1 vote. Zokaie and Meyerhoff voted no.

Consideration of Old Legislation
Senate Bill 25, authored by Lee, co-authored by Bush, authorizing the complete transfer of funds from the ASUCD Scholarship Fund to the ASUCD Awards Endowment Fund, was tabled.

Senate Bill 27, authored by Martin, to clarify closed session proceedings, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 28, authored by Hu, co-authored by Chu, Ho, Lee and Thongsavat, to allocate $34,574.72 from Capital Reserves to fund capital costs for custom garment printing at Campus Copies/Classical Notes, and to make amendments to the Campus Copies/Classical Notes annual operating budget to reflect new income and expenses. Repicky said he would like it if they could put something in the bill about eventually switching over to sweatshop-free companies regarding the t-shirts they buy. The bill passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 31, authored by Rombi, co-authored by Bae, Montelongo, Provencher and Stone, to amend the procedural time periods for the ASUCD Scholarship Committee, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 32, authored by Repicky, co-authored by Bush and De Los Reyes, to allocate $330.00 from Senate Reserves to fund the third annual ASUCD Financial Aid Awareness Week. Business and Finance Commission had a problem with the bill. The table discussed raffling gift cards to the UC Davis Bookstore and the ASUCD Coffee House. The bill passed in a 9-1-2 vote, Meyerhoff voted no.

Senate Bill 34, authored by Lee, co-authored by Maemura and Rombi, to clarify language governing ASUCD Reserves and institute bylaws governing ASUCD Endowments in the ASUCD Bylaws, was tabled.

Public discussion
Jerome Wren came with the UC Black Coalition and spoke about the hate crime at the Students of Color Conference, the swastikas and “white power” that were drawn around campus, and the column titled “Jungle Fever” that ran in The Aggie. He said he felt it was inappropriate to publish the article.  He also talked about the hate crimes that have gone unnoticed by police on campus.

Osahon Ekhator spoke about the racist issues on campus as well. He demanded a formal apology and recognition from The Aggie.

A student said they want to see the policy for which the police document things to change. They also want Aggie writers to go to diversity training, along with first-year and transfer students.

Padgett said that she appreciated everyone who put effort into the Students of Color Conference.

Barbara Bonaparte, Black Student Union (BSU) president, said there have been a lot of things attacking the African American community on campus, and thanked the senators on behalf of the BSU.

Another student and member of BSU, said she felt it is unacceptable that these hate crimes were allowed to happen and nobody took the time to investigate them. She said that she does not feel safe on campus.

Edd Montelongo, Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission chair, said that he thinks that the table needs to reaffirm its support for people from underrepresented minorities.

The Aggies of Color are putting on a town hall meeting at Soc Sci 1100 on Monday at 7:30 p.m.

Willee Roberts from the Occupy movement came to talk to the table. He said there are no leaders out there, anything they say is not reflecting the group. They discussed passing a resolution, which was approved by the Occupy movement group, to support the Occupy movement on campus. The table and the authors discussed what peaceful meant to them.

Meeting adjourned at 2:58 a.m.

Open positions within ASUCD can be found at vacancy.ucdavis.edu. HANNAH STRUMWASSER compiles the senate briefs. She can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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