96.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Editorial: Vote

This November 6 is one of the most important days of the year for America ― the day we vote for our next president. It is the day that we, as Americans, each get a chance to elect who we want to take charge of our country for the next four years.

As American citizens, we get to pick our leader, a responsibility we are lucky to have. We must take advantage of this.

Only 51 percent of youth voters (18-29-year-olds, aka college students) cast ballots in the 2008 election, meaning that only about half of college-aged students voted. That is not good enough.

We commend ASUCD and CALPIRG for easing the voter registration process for students through their Aggies Vote program.

Young voters are an important part of elections because they have a unique perspective on various issues and will be greatly affected by the election’s outcome this year.

Along with voting for candidates, voters will also cast ballots regarding propositions, including Proposition 30. If Prop. 30 does not pass, tuition could potentially increase by 20 percent in 2013 for UC students.

While youth voter turnout has increased over the past few elections, 51 percent is extremely low and is not enough to represent the American students’ voice. So go register and go vote. Now.

To register to vote go to californiastudentvote.org. The window for registration through this website will be open until October 22.

However, while it is important to vote, it is equally as important to be educated on the issues that you are voting on.

Students, the window for registering is closing, don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a difference.


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