73.6 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

Will pay for help
A student was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) for soliciting classmates to take his online exam. The student posted a public Facebook message offering monetary compensation for anyone who would be willing to do this for him. The matter came to SJA’s attention when they received an anonymous email with an attached screenshot of the post. The referred student met with a Judicial Officer and admitted that he had asked people on Facebook to take his exam. The student agreed to accept a censure and an exam restriction, which required that he take the online exam in the presence of a Judicial Officer.

Smoke screen
Two transfer students were referred to SJA for a public Facebook conversation in which they boasted about how they had cheated on an exam. Their conversation was attached in an email sent to Student Judicial Affairs by an anonymous student. In separate meetings with a Judicial Officer, the students claimed that they didn’t really cheat and were simply blowing off steam. After inspecting the tests, the Judicial Officer found no solid evidence of cheating, and since the professor did not want to pursue the matter in a formal hearing, the students were found “not in violation” of cheating during an exam. Instead, they each agreed to accept a censure for creating the appearance of dishonest conduct and to do 12 hours of community service.

I’m not cleaning that up
While two residential advisors (RAs) were making rounds in the dorms, they found an unconscious resident surrounded by vomit on the bathroom floor. The RAs called in paramedics who immediately transported the alcohol-poisoned resident to the hospital. In a meeting with a Judicial Officer, the student admitted to drinking in the dorms. He agreed to accept disciplinary probation and a $25 restitution payment, which went to paying the janitorial staff who had to clean up the bathroom. In addition to these sanctions, the student was referred to the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Intervention Services program (ATODIS) and received a Student Housing Contract Warning, which informs the student that his housing contract would likely be terminated for a second violation.


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