96.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

This week in Senate

ASUCD Vice President Bradley Bottoms presided over the senate meeting on Nov. 14. Bottoms called the meeting to order at 6:18 p.m.

The meeting began with a call to review Senate Resolution 2. The resolution announced ASUCD’s support for the AFSCME 3299 strike. After some edits in the resolution’s literature, the senate passed the resolution.

The meeting then moved onto Unit Director Reports with Aggie TV’s director, Anna Oh. She reports that Aggie TV, a “tech heavy unit,” is in a “state of emergency.”

According to Oh, Aggie TV needs to purchase new high-definition cameras this year. The unit’s inventory is comprised of only three operating cameras, all of which still use tape.

Aggie TV hopes for a bill to be introduced to the senate to help fund their unit. Several senators and Vice President Bottoms expressed concerns about their income and hoped for the unit’s revenue to continue to increase.

Elections Committee Chair Eric Renslo gave his report, a day before the end of this quarter’s elections.

“This election is establishing good vibes,” Renslo said.

Members of the senate and of the public commented and praised this election for running smoothly.

According to Renslo, as of Nov. 14, over 3,000 people voted. “Voter turnout is directly correlated to the number of candidates,” which is correlated to how well the previous elections were conducted.

After a 10-minute break, Vice President Bottoms once again called the meeting to order. President Carly Sandstrom arrived at the meeting as the break ended.

The senate proceeded to question three justices Sandstrom nominated to the court, in order to ensure their qualifications and to later confirm them.

After many questions from several senators, in particular by Senator Miles Thomas, who expressed great hopes for a more respected and more powerful ASUCD Court, Spencer McManus, Internal Affairs Commission Chair, halted confirmations in light of an ASUCD error.

The ASUCD Court currently has two justice positions and one Chief Justice position open. The senate was to confirm three new justices to the Court, and hoped to hire a Chief Justice from among the nine justices.

However, due to bylaws, the Chief Justice position’s hiring process differs from that of Associate Justices. Thus the senate halted confirmations, delaying the hiring of new justices to the court.


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