52 F

Davis, California

Monday, February 10, 2025

Davis Joint Unified School District files a temporary restraining order against Yolo County Moms for Liberty Chair, Beth Bourne

Specific details about the order have not been revealed as the case is ongoing


By CHRIS PONCE — city@theaggie.org


On Oct. 11, the Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) filed a temporary restraining order (TRO) against Beth Bourne, the chair of the controversial group Yolo County Moms for Liberty. 

When asked for comment, the DJUSD denied to make a statement as it is a pending legal issue. According to public Yolo County Court records, the case was first filed on Oct. 4.

“Served Beth Bourne in person with exhibit notice of hearing order granting petitioners motion to file documents petition for workplace violence restraining orders,” reads the proof of service in the case. 

Bourne was delivered the TRO in person, and she shared that she felt disappointed when she found out. 

“Of course I expected it could be possible, and I continue to feel incredible sadness and disappointment that we’re being silenced,” Bourne said. “We being the parents in Davis and women and fathers and mothers who are concerned that this gender industry, in particular the gender identity ideology, is harming children. So, I’m just disappointed. We made a lot of requests to the school district to be open and to be transparent and around every corner it’s more ‘you should be silent.’” 

Bourne has often publicly posted pictures of classrooms at Davis high schools that have Pride flags in them and has been accused of having harassed teachers.

Anoosh Jorjorian, director of Yolo Rainbow Families, talked about Yolo County Moms for Liberty at the recent Woodland Joint Unified School District (WJUSD) board meeting and said that Bourne had been served a TRO because she was harassing Davis teachers who support LGBTQIA+ students.

“In this vein, I want to raise awareness in Woodland that the chair of [Yolo County] Moms for Liberty, who has given public comment today, was served with a temporary restraining order yesterday for repeated targeting of Davis teachers who support LGBTQ+ students by displaying Pride flags in their classrooms. Teachers, names, schools and room numbers have been posted publicly on social media by the chair,” Jorjorian said. “In the wake of this exposure, bomb threats were made against some of those teachers who were awakened at 3 a.m. by police to search their houses out of concern for their lives. Additionally, some educators have been harassed and intimidated in-person by the chair.”

More details about the TRO are developing as the case is ongoing. The Order to Show Cause Predisposition, which is a court order that requires involved parties to explain why the court should grant a request, is scheduled for Oct. 25.


Written By: Chris Ponce city@theaggie.org