95.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Police Briefs


Unhappy meal
A man was standing in front of McDonald’s holding a sign that stated “McDonald’s Employees Are Rude” on Chiles Road.

Procrastination is still legal
Someone called 911 and hung up at Shields Library.

Sounds dopey
Several people were smoking a bong in a car and refused to leave because they were legally parked at West Eighth Street.

Baseless attack
Someone poured acid on a vehicle on Mazanita Lane.


Who let the dog out?
A beagle mix was running loose in traffic at Arthur Street.

Minor and major offense
There was very loud singing and music coming from a church on L Street.

Police Briefs are compiled by TRACY HARRIS from the city of Davis daily crime bulletins. Contact TRACY HARRIS at city@theaggie.org.


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