73.6 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Flashback photo

Upset about the 9.6 percent fee increase for Winter quarter? It may comfort you to know that fee hikes are not a recent phenomenon — In January of 1992, UC Davis increased student fees by $550. Students gathered on Jan. 16, 1992 to protest the fee increase.

In an article published by The Aggie on Jan. 17, 1992, it was reported that “the protesters — chanting free education now — …  attempted to enter the meeting room, but were met by a line of police officers and security guards.” So next time you’re protesting Mrak or occupying Central Park, think about the former Aggies who were doing the same. Former Aggie photographer Neil Michel took this photograph during the protests.

Photo by Neil Michel

Text by Jasna Hodzic


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