95.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

Drunk on campus

A graduate student was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) by the UC Davis Police Department in connection with an alcohol violation. The police were drawn by loud noises coming from a lecture hall on campus during the night, and encountered the student. Upon questioning him, the officers found that he was intoxicated and arrested him for being drunk in public. Although he was not charged with anything, he was still required to come in and meet with a Judicial Officer, at which time he did admit to the misconduct. The student agreed to Disciplinary Probation and also agreed to meet with someone from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

Take Tipsy Taxi

An upperclassman was referred to SJA by the UC Davis Police in connections with an alcohol violation. In particular, officers were called to the scene of an auto accident, at which they found the student. When a sobriety test was administered, the student was found to be over the legal limit, and she was subsequently arrested for driving under the influence. The police forwarded the case to SJA, and when a judicial officer met with the student she admitted that she had been intoxicated, and agreed to Deferred Separation and to meet with the people at Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Intervention Services (ATODIS). Although the student was charged with criminal charges, as SJA is a non-legal process students can still be found in violation separately from court rulings, and can be given sanctions independent of criminal sentences.

Cough cough  

An upperclassman was referred to SJA on the suspicion of falsifying documents. Specifically, the student had provided medical papers on numerous occasions in order to get assignment extensions and make-up exams. The sheer number of excuses aroused the suspicion of university officials, who referred the matter to SJA. When a judicial officer checked the legitimacy of the documents, it was found that at least some were falsified, and so the student was called in. In the meeting, the student admitted to the misconduct, and agreed to a suspension of one year, deferred separation upon his return, and 20 hours of community service.

CAMPUS JUDICIAL REPORTS are compiled by members of Student Judicial Affairs.


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