72.9 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ask Katehi

What steps are being taken to make UC Davis an internationally-recognized research institution?

UC Davis is already recognized around the world as a leading public research university. We are proud of the many prestigious academic and governmental exchange programs and research enterprises that have global impact. But we are taking steps to do even more.

Today, UC Davis is engaged in an estimated 150 international agreements of cooperation with leading research universities around the world and with ministries of science and education in Chile, Brazil, Vietnam, China and the Netherlands. We have also established partnerships with private sector companies like BGI, the world’s largest genomic institute.

On campus, more than 40 percent of our new faculty in 2010-11 received a degree from an international university. We are among the top five U.S. universities in hosting international scholars — nearly 2,500 postdoctoral students and researchers annually. UC Davis is also among the top 10 U.S. universities in hosting Fulbright scholars and in sending our faculty around the globe on Fulbright Awards. In addition, our faculty and administrators actively participate worldwide in international conferences, workshops, symposiums and collaborative research. And UC Davis supports 30 international alumni networks on six continents.

Looking to the future, our newly-announced 2020 Initiative includes plans to increase the number of eligible California, national and international undergraduates. This will bring great depth and diversity to the educational experience for all UC Davis students, and help better prepare our graduates to be future global leaders in science, academia, government and industry.

Do you have a question for the chancellor? E-mail campus@theaggie.org.


  1. thank you asking more relevant questions —

    Like how will you respond when your students walk off the campus and file suits for return of tuition for making the campus unsafe.
    The UC Davis security does not discriminate when appying brutality — every student and staff will qualify in a class action —

    thank you for your consideration —

    again who chooses your question and what planet do they live in more concerned international research a concern of the 1%?


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