68.1 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Editorial: Response to student feedback

The California Aggie would like to express thanks to all of the students and community members who commented on and directly addressed disappointment and upset over the column “Jungle Fever,” which ran in The California Aggie last Tuesday.

It is important that newspapers be considered a place for self-expression and a catalyst for facilitating discussion on important issues, such as cultural misconceptions and racism.

To further ensure that this is done in a sensitive and constructive manner, staff of The California Aggie will be participating in diversity training. We would like to encourage and support all members of the campus community in increasing awareness of cultural diversity on campus.

We would like to continue discussions with the Black Student Union and any other groups on campus that feel their needs as a community have not been met by their campus newspaper. Without this input, we would not be able to improve as a newspaper and as individuals.

The California Aggie, like all things at UC Davis, is an educational experience for readers and staff alike. We encourage our fellow students to apply for columnist or reporting positions and help shape The Aggie into what they would like to see.


  1. It is clear that much has happened on campus in the past few weeks that deserves The California Aggie’s constant coverage and front page space. However, it would have been nice to see this editorial on the front page of at least the website, considering the impact the recent column had (and continues to have) on members of the UC Davis community. Instead, it seems to be conveniently buried in the Opinions.

    I hope that everything proposed in this article truly helps to make this a learning experience for Aggie staff members, and I hope that its placement on the website is no indication of the way the staff of my campus publication views the importance of the issue.


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