84.4 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

City Brief: Sept. 9

Resolution opposing Proposition 8

This item was pulled from the consent calendar upon request from a member of the public.Six members of the public spoke for and against the resolution.Council voted 5-0 to approve the resolution opposing Proposition 8.


Presentation on Highway 113 changes

Officials from the Solano Transportation authority gave a presentation outlining a proposed realignment of Highway 113 through Dixon. Several alternatives were presented, some of which would impact future traffic on the part of the highway that passes through Davis.Council directed staff to bring back a future agenda item that looks at the realignments on a larger map, taking into consideration a possible future bypass for Interstate 5 that would go through Davis.


Re-entry facility update

Staff gave an update on the state of the proposed state re-entry prison to be located in Yolo County. A site near Plainfield, an unincorporated area west of Davis, was being considered but was taken off the table at the Board of Supervisors meeting earlier in the day.Council and staff clarified that the Plainfield site was actually within the city’s sphere of influence, contrary to what county staff believed.


Wastewater treatment plant agreement

On the table was a resolution to pay a consultant roughly $11 million to develop a final design for the Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary Process Replacement Project.The resolution was approved by the council.


City website accessibility

Presentation and discussion on whether the city’s website meets Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines for accessibility. Also at issue was whether the city had any regulatory role regarding the accessibility of local business websites.


JEREMY OGUL can be reached at city@californiaaggie.com.


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