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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the March 1, 2012 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room. The ASUCD president is not required to attend senate meetings.

Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Adam Thongsavat, ASUCD president, present, left early
Bree Rombi, ASUCD vice president, present, left early
Yena Bae, ASUCD senator, present
Jared Crisologo-Smith, ASUCD senator, present
Miguel Espinoza, ASUCD senator, present
Justin Goss, ASUCD senator, present
Anni Kimball, ASUCD senator, present
Amy Martin, ASUCD senator, present
Mayra Martín, ASUCD senator, present
Ryan Meyerhoff, ASUCD senator, present
Erica Padgett, ASUCD senator, present
Brendan Repicky, ASUCD senator, present
Patrick Sheehan, ASUCD senator, pro tempore, present
Yara Zokaie, ASUCD senator, present

The Exceptional Presence at Senate award was given to Martin.

The Michael John Tucker Leadership Award was given to Sergio Cano.

The Hottie Hot Hot award was given to Martín and Espinoza.

Repicky, Bae, Meyerhoff, Martin, Martín and Espinoza said their farewells.

Joyce Han, Bradley Bottoms, Don Gilbert, Paul Min, Beatriz Anguiano and Kabir Kapur were sworn in as senators.

Unit Director Reports
The unit director of AggieTV spoke about the revenue generated from sales of the coverage of the pepper spray incident to various news channels.

The unit director of The Pantry spoke about The Pantry being stable and generating revenue from online donations. Some senators thought The Pantry was not being advertised enough, but Padgett stated that the reason it isn’t advertised is because it targets a specific group of people.

Consideration of old legislation
Senate Bill 65, authored by Maemura, co-authored by Lockwood and Barnett, introduced by Sheehan, to institutionalize a follow-up process for bills involving financial appropriations. The bill passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 66, authored by Repicky, co-authored by Dias, to update the Elections Codes to properly reflect current technology and update the clauses concerning the Voluntary Spending Agreement. Some senators were concerned that since student fees go into the campaign fund, if candidates chose to not sign the agreement, they should be required to pay a fee to cover the costs of things provided to candidates who do sign the agreement. These benefits include free fliers from Campus Copies, an AggieTV video and the debate. Goss said that the debate should be free to all candidates as an open forum to discuss their platforms. The bill passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 69, authored by Goss, to restructure the unit adoption process where units pick the senators that adopt them. Zokaie and Crisologo-Smith were concerned that unit directors would be too busy to conduct interviews. The bill was referred back to IAC with amendments.

Senate Bill 70, authored by Goss, co-authored by Barnett, to require the ASUCD Controller to provide the Senate with the weekly balance of the Senate Reserves Account. Zokaie said that she didn’t see how the bill made any difference since the Business and Finance chair had that information present at the meeting anyway. The bill passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 11:14 p.m.

Open positions within ASUCD can be found at vacancy.ucdavis.edu. AKSHAYA RAMANUJAM compiles the senate briefs. She can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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