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Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Column: Comebacks

Perhaps it’s because our generation has run out of inspiration, or maybe it’s our yearning to live in a previous time, but it seems to me that modern music, art, movies and fashion choices aren’t necessarily modern, but rather retro.

Let us delve into this topic by examining music. Five years ago and listening to the Backstreet Boys Pandora station would be considered weird. Now? Way cool. ‘80s music on the radio a couple of years ago? Annoying. Now? Pretty rad.

The trend of using parts of old songs and incorporating them into new releases adds an interesting aspect to the sound. Sure, newer generations have no idea that parts of Nicki Minaj’s music originate from ‘80s pop songs. And they probably won’t find out until their parents freak out that their old favorite songs are playing once again on the radio.

Maybe it was the release of The Perks of Being a Wallflower (the movie version) and the use of amazing ‘80s songs that inspired us wannabe hipsters to revisit “old” songs. I’m thankful. “Come On Eileen” is truly the best song right now. And since I’m in charge of the music that plays in the Visitors Center on campus, all of the older people in the building appreciate my newfound taste in music. They’re welcome.

Transitioning into fashion choices, I have one main thing to address: jean jackets. So trendy now, but think about it. Two years ago they wouldn’t be found anywhere in stores or on any young adult who considers themselves to be fashionable.

These days, I don’t know a girl who doesn’t own a modern version of the jean jacket she once donned in elementary school or isn’t in search of the perfect, well-priced jean top.

And those grandpa sweaters with the unique and flashy prints? Comfy, yes, but unacceptable until Urban Outfitters started jacking up the prices, thus making them desirable. And Macklemore’s song “Thrift Shop”? Talk about being inspired to thrift.

And I don’t know whether it’s because we’re all slowly finding ourselves or are becoming aware of the greatness that exists in old cinema, but older films are all too fascinating to our generation now. Like, if you haven’t watched The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles, you can’t sit with us. You just can’t.

If you’re cultured and an old soul, then the black-and-white movies are probably your thing. Imagine … The Hannah Montana Movie will probably be a vintage film in … like three years. Excellent. I’ll remain a hipster when I continue to watch it into my mid-20s.

Those reading this who lived through the ‘70s or ‘80s probably think it’s ridiculous that I’m writing about those years as if they were so long ago. But think about it. That was 30 to 40 years ago. You’re vintage now. And our generation adores vintage.

ELIZABETH ORPINA can be reached at arts@theaggie.org.


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