73.6 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Doin’ It Green during finals

Finals definitely have a big impact on your grades every quarter, but as you hit the books and start some serious studying, there are some things you can do to reduce your impact on the planet.

When you go to the bookstore to buy your blue books, EPPC would strongly encourage you to purchase a green book. They cost the same amount as traditional blue books but are more sustainable and green because they’re made of 100 percent recycled paper, with 30 percent from post-consumer waste. If you’re nervous your professor won’t accept them for some reason, even though they are the same, just ask beforehand!

If you use caffeine to get you through finals, bring a reusable cup or thermos to hold your beverage, whether you’re drinking half-priced coffee from the ASUCD Coffee House or tea from Peet’s.

When you’re studying for those exams, don’t print out papers unnecessarily — you can highlight PDFs and edit almost anything in a Google Doc. However, if you do choose to print out your study guides, please print on both sides of the paper. You can do this at Campus Copies (now printing on 100 percent recycled paper!), in the library for a small price or at home by flipping the page and reinserting it into your printer.

When the quarter finally ends and you know you’ve passed the class, don’t burn your notes and textbooks in a fury or toss them in the trash. Instead, recycle those papers and try to sell your textbooks to an on-campus or off-campus bookstore or to an online vendor. By disposing of your books in that way, you are losing a possible source of income, which could have been used to buy more books.

Don’t need that clicker or those lab goggles anymore? The landfill isn’t the best place for them; selling or giving them to a friend would be a much better choice for your wallet and for the planet. If you can’t find a home for your old school supplies, you can always try donating them to the Aggie Reuse Store in the Memorial Union.

Lastly, for your sake and for the sake of the environment, make sure to get some sleep. Staying up late uses more electricity and reduces your ability to function. So keep these eco-tips in mind as the quarter comes to a close and good luck with finals!


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