96.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Editorial: Survival guide

In a matter of days, young adults everywhere will be free from torturous finals and projects only to be released into the open arms of overbearing family members.
Although winter break is only three weeks, it definitely feels like a lifetime. We all leave school wanting to be home and realize within a few hours of returning to our hometowns that we need to be back at Davis.

Here at The Aggie, we specialize in avoiding the real world and have tips for weeks of being surrounded by people who make you want to choke on your own food.
We’ve compiled a list of fool-proof tips to help you return to school without swearing off going home for the holidays ever again.

1. The first step in surviving the holidays with your family is oversleeping. Claim that you’re still exhausted from finals; show your parents that their money went to a hard-earned education.

2. Your new best friend is in liquid form. More than ever before will you crave to exist in a constant state of drunken bliss.

3. Make sure to catch up on all of your appointments: doctor checkups, haircuts, dentist visits, etc.

4. Take advantage of being home and having private, fast internet and television with a TiVo or DVR. Spend your hours “acquiring” music and catching up on television shows that you weren’t able to watch on your laptop due to the crappy internet connection at your apartment complex.

5. Save time and avoid the frustration of interacting with relatives by handing out note cards that summarize your year as well as your recent accomplishments.

6. Plan for the future. Apply for summer internships and jobs to guarantee that you have a reason to leave the house when spring quarter is over. If your holiday has already gone to shit within the first day or two of being reunited with high school friends and relatives, book those plane tickets or vacations for next year’s break now. You’ll thank yourself later.

This holiday season, stay sane and realize that you are done. With. Finals.


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