96.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Daily Calendar


UK/England: Warriors and Monks in Medieval Europe

Noon to 1 p.m.

Conference Room, Education Abroad Center, 207 Third St.

Learn about a study abroad opportunity for this coming summer!


Brazil: Brazilian Literature, Culture and the Arts

3 to 4 p.m.

Conference Room, Education Abroad Center, 207 Third St.

Learn about a summer 2009 study abroad opportunity!


Undergraduate Research Center

6:10 p.m.

1022 LSA

The Nutrition Science Research club is holding its first meeting of the quarter. There will be some food!


Sigma Nu meet and greet

7 to 9 p.m.


Meet current members and alumni of the Sigma Nu fraternity.



Italy: Renaissance Florence and the Birth of Modern Europe

Noon to 1 p.m.

Conference Room, Education Abroad Center, 207 Third St.

Learn about a summer 2009 study abroad opportunity!


Germany: Citizens and Local Governance

3 to 4 p.m.

Conference Room, Education Abroad Center, 207 Third St.

Learn about a summer 2009 study abroad opportunity!


Peace Corps information meeting

4 p.m.

MU Smith Room

As a Peace Corps volunteer, you could work in one of more than 70 countries and help have a positive impact while gaining skills. Peace Corps service requires a 27-month commitment, and the organization covers all travel and living expenses, as well as medical insurance. Student loan deferment and graduate school opportunities are also available.


UK/England: Shakespeare – Live!

4 to 5 p.m.

Conference Room, Education Abroad Center, 207 Third St.

Learn about a summer 2009 study abroad opportunity!


Project Compost

6 p.m.

43 Memorial Union, MU Basement

Learn about radical composting on campus and how to get involved.


Yes! On Equality meeting

7 p.m.

107 Wellman

Learn about California’s official 2010 Gay Marriage initiative while enjoying free pizza and drinks. For more information, please visit the organization’s Yes! On Equality Facebook group.


Hermanos Macehual meeting

8 p.m.

7 Wellman

Come to the meeting for this non-profit community service organization that promotes friendship, studying, support and the Chicano/Latino community. Visit macehual.com for more information.



Australia: Urban to Outback

Noon to 1 p.m.

Conference Room, Education Abroad Center, 207 Third St.

Learn about a summer 2009 study abroad opportunity!




3 p.m.

Jackson Hall, Mondavi Center

The instruments may be recycled, but the beats are all new! Check out five percussionists performing original work on instruments that were once old bottles.


To receive placement in the AGGIE DAILY CALENDAR, e-mail dailycal@theaggie.org or stop by 25 Lower Freeborn by noon the day prior to your event. Due to space constraints, all event descriptions are subject to editing, and priority will be given to events that are free of charge and geared toward the campus community.




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