68.3 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

Just a peek

A professor recently referred an upperclassman to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) for suspected copying from another student’s scantron during an upper-division science exam. One of the TAs brought the student’s strange behavior to the professor’s attention, and he subsequently proceeded to observe the student for a lengthy period of time. The student in question appeared to be looking repeatedly at the answers of a student sitting diagonally in front of her. She seemed to be flipping to the same pages at the same time, and recording answers on her exam after staring at the other exam. The professor thought it unlikely that the other student had agreed to be copied from because the two students did not know each other. When the referred student met with an SJA officer, she admitted to the cheating. However, since this was her third violation for copying during exams, she was dismissed from the University of California.

To cite or not to cite
On two separate introductory philosophy assignments, a student copied large portions of text verbatim from the course textbook and from other sources without inserting direct quotes. She also failed to properly cite her sources in accordance with a standard academic citation style, which the professor had explicitly required. The student was referred to SJA by the instructor, and during her meetings with a judicial officer she stated that she had not intended to plagiarize and did not know she needed to use direct quotes or in-text citations. However, all UC Davis students are responsible for knowing how to cite properly, and on top of that the professor had reviewed how to cite and what constitutes plagiarism with the class. The student was placed on Deferred Separation status, was required to complete 10 hours of community service and received grades of zero on the two assignments she plagiarized.

I panicked!
A TA for a lower-division chemistry class referred a first-year student to SJA for suspected altering and resubmitting of an exam for a re-grade. The student admitted to altering her exam before she resubmitted it to her TA, stating that she had done so because she panicked after realizing she had received a failing grade on the exam. Although the student altered her exam before submitting it for a re-grade with the hopes of receiving a better score, she ended up receiving a zero for the exam because of her dishonesty. She was also placed on disciplinary probation and required to complete 10 hours of community service.


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