68.3 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the Jan. 22 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room.


Meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m.

Ivan Carrillo, ASUCD president, present

Molly Fluet, ASUCD vice president, present

Andrew Bianchi, ASUCD senator, present

Sergio Blanco, ASUCD senator, present

Chris Dietrich, ASUCD senator, present

Danny Garrett, ASUCD senator, left early

Erin Lebe, ASUCD senator, present, late

Erica Oropeza, ASUCD senator, present

Justin Patrizio, ASUCD senator, present

Laura Pulido, ASUCD senator, present

Ramneek Saini, ASUCD senator, present

Rebecca Schwartz, ASUCD senator, left early

Mo Torres, ASUCD senator, present

Jack Zwald, ASUCD president pro-tempore, present



Public Announcements


Carrillo spoke about the possible addition of a U.S. Bank branch to the university and was open to suggestions from the public.


Blanco announced that there will be a financial aid workshop Feb. 4 in Tercero Main from 8 to 9 p.m.



Appointments and Confirmations


Business and Finance Commission

Tiffany Lee, first year international relations and Spanish major, Daniel Harry, sophomore civil engineering major, David Lie, senior managerial economics major, Jeffery Williams, first year international relations major, Ryan Meyernoff, sophomore political science major, and Stephan Abiu were all confirmed onto the commission.


Environmental Policy and Planning Commission

William Klien, Christopher Lorenz and Priya Shukla were all confirmed onto the commission.


Student-Police Relations Committee

Kara Anne Rodenhizer was appointed as chair of the committee.



Women’s Resource and Research Center representative Sonia Montoya made a presentation about the possible removal of the Gender Education Program and its importance on the campus community, including offering self-defense classes.


Consideration of Old Legislation


Senate Resolution 14, authored by Allison Tanner, co-authored by Kati Davalos and Jeremiah Kimel, to urge student affairs to incorporate the Gender Education program into the permanent Women’s Resource and Research Center budget, passed unanimously.


Senate Resolution 15, authored by Russell Manning, co-authored by Carrillo and introduced by Zwald, to urge the university to guarantee on-campus housing for first-year transfer students, passed unanimously.


Senate Bill 19, authored by Sean Stampfli, co-authored by Laura Brown and Ali Yani and introduced by Blanco, to require groups and clubs that are requesting funding for co-sponsorships from ASUCD Commissions to submit a completed ASUCD Co-Sponsorship Application, passed unanimously.


Court Announcements

Melissa Whitney, Chief Justice of the court, announced that a discrepancy in the bylaws is being adjusted and that the pamphlet with information on the Court is beingspiffedup for design.


Public Discussion

Blanco discussed that Cal Grants are going to be cut, the Senate expressed concern.


Meeting was adjourned at 10:28 p.m.


ANGELA RUGGIERO compiles the Senate Briefs and can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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