73.6 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

Tardy for the Party
One night in the dorms, two resident advisors (RAs) were doing their routine rounds in one of the buildings around midnight. They were heading to the stairs when they heard residents talking loudly, and as they listened closer they heard some comments regarding alcohol. The RAs knocked on the door of the dorm room where they heard the talking, and after about 30 seconds of items being shuffled around and people moving, the resident of the room opened the door. The RAs stated that it smelled like alcohol and asked for the residents to take out any alcohol. However, the resident claimed that he had nothing but soda in the room. The RAs could tell that there had been alcohol in the room, but he insisted that he had none, so the RAs copied down his ID number and informed him of the documentation process. The resident received a censure, a formal warning from Student Housing, and referral to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Intervention Services.

Loud Mouth
An evening discussion section for an upper-division course took a surprising turn when a student proceeded to interrupt the TA about a particular exam question. The professor requested that all students submit regrade requests in writing. The student disregarded this and disrupted the class loudly, using profanity and complaining about the structure of the exam. Another student then jumped on the bandwagon and continued the cursing over the exam. The TA reported that he did not feel threatened despite the bad language that was used, but the students were still referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA). While meeting with the Judicial Officer, the students came to realize that they had been disruptive to such an extent that they had violated University policies. Both students recognized that their behavior was inappropriate, and were warned that if such behavior were to happen again, they could face more serious consequences.

Buddy System
In a lower-division class, two students were referred to SJA for suspected cheating on a quiz and then on a midterm. During an in-class quiz, one of the students was missing and texted her friend that she was not going to make it to class and asked if she could fill out the quiz for her. The friend in class wrote the answers to the quiz on two pieces of paper, putting her name on one and her friend’s name on the other. Not long after, during a midterm the TA noticed that the student who had been absent for the quiz was looking at the paper of the same friend who had filled out the quiz for her. The TA separated them and after collecting the exams, it was apparent that there were numerous identical answers on both their papers. The student who had been copying met with a Judicial Officer who explained how copying from another student was strictly against the University’s policies. As a result, she accepted disciplinary probation and 10 hours of community service. The situation with the friend was handled separately.


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