84.4 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Editorial: News

This past week, students have stressed over their exams, finding plane tickets home or securing local storage for their possessions.

During the same week, in Turkey, a taxi car drove into a crowd of protesters, killing a 20-year-old who was demonstrating against his government. Over 3,000 others were injured in violent clashes between outraged citizens and police after a peaceful protest was met with tear gas and pepper spray.

This has global implications. Most of us haven’t noticed.

The developing story is eerily familiar to the events of November 18, when a UC Davis police lieutenant wrongfully pepper sprayed a group of students who were occupying the Quad.

The fallout can still be felt today, and many of us never even noticed the Davis Occupy Movement until it reached an extreme.

To the outgoing class of 2013, as you traverse out into the world of internships, graduate schools and career-building opportunities, take time to see what’s happening in your community, your country and your world. Recognize that news does affect you and it can help you make a difference.

Without the news, we lose an essential tool to reach out to the public. Newspapers are meant to inform people about important, pressing issues facing the community.

For the people in Turkey, as well as the world at large, it is essential that news is disseminated. When the public is armed with correct, easily accessible and current information, the possibility of positive change turns into a reality.

To those staying in Davis, make sure to equip yourself with the information you need, be it from The Aggie or any medium you prefer.

The Aggie, albeit a small, humble product of everyday students, is your resource to find out what is happening on campus and in your community.


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