95.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

This Week in Senate

Vice President Bradley Bottoms presided over the meeting, and Senators Liam Burke and Yee Xiong were absent.

The meeting started at 6:20, ten minutes later than posted.

Administrator of Diversity Education with the Office of Campus Community Relations Michael Villalobos announced the Neutral Observer Program, a new program set to launch in Winter Quarter. The program will provide a volunteer team of neutral observers to events, protests and demonstrations where a possibility for conflict exists. This staff will be community-owned and will consist of both students and staff.

CALPIRG Chapter Chair Donna Farvard announced the Global Frackdown, an anti-fracking event to take place on Saturday, Oct. 19th.

Paul Medved, a 1978 alumnus of UC Davis, gave a presentation about changes to Intercollegiate Collegiate Athletics at UC Davis. He urged Senate to hold Administrators and UC Davis Athletics Director Terry Tumey accountable for four team cuts in 2010 and rising debt.

The Senate then moved to a closed session to discuss a possible fee referendum for a new ASUCD building.


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