84.4 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Hate Speech on Campus

Dear UC Davis community,

Today, Wednesday, May 28, I witnessed a group of men holding up signs, some of which said “You deserve to die” and “You’re going to hell.” I’m all for free speech, but where do we draw the line between free speech and hate speech?

On a campus dealing with the issues of violence and hate, and as seen tragically at the recent events at our sister campus UCSB, how can we let this group disrupt the very point of this University: to educate?

I am a TA for several courses and had several students unable to attend discussion section due to being emotionally upset by both the shooting and the group on the Quad. Aren’t our Principles of Community about instilling tolerance and respect and most of all, to create a safe environment to learn for all our students? How can we abuse the title of “free speech” on a campus that could very well face the same issues of violence and hate seen at UCSB?

Screaming at students, engaging in hate speech, including swearing and cursing at students, promoting hatred and advocating for violence — these are hopefully not the principles here at Davis, but today, I’m not so sure. Chancellor Katehi — your thoughts?

Piper Milton
Graduate student, Department of Art and Art History




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