72.9 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Police Logs


Congregating dog owners

Jan. 29

“Reporting party woke up from sleeping and called 911 on her cell phone — reporting party asked for an officer to investigate everywhere after hearing strange noises.”

“Children were playing in the puzzle section in library and found various medication which they mistook for candy and ingested it. Children and parents currently in ER. ER requested officer for report.”


Jan. 31

“Group of 5 dog owners usually congregate daily around 1600 hours in the park and let their dogs off leash.”


Feb. 1

“2 dogs off leash attacked reporting party’s bunny, reporting party yelled at the dog owner and the dog owner yelled at reporting party. Reporting party upset that the dog owner yelled at her and got in her face.”

“Male subject was in backyard, reporting party’s dog was barking, and when they went outside they heard a male voice say ‘Oh hello,’ requested area check.”


Feb. 2

“Reporting party requesting to speak with traffic officer regarding bicycle helmet laws.”

“Unitrans into a parked vehicle, non injury — accident notification note left on their vehicle.”

“Unknown male subject on reporting party’s porch — appears to be dancing.”


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