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Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Deadpool 2


Deadpool’s sequel follows its predecessor almost too closely

“Deadpool 2” isn’t a bad movie. “Deadpool 2” isn’t a great movie. It’s much a continuation of the first; it feels exactly the same. The humor remains raunchy and phallic. The gore explodes in ribbons of red. Fourth wall breaks aren’t uncommon. People who enjoyed the first “Deadpool” will absolutely enjoy the second. Ryan Reynolds lands his witty humor. The new and returning cast members support the narrative and humor, functioning as a solid backseat for Reynold’s loud performance.

Not necessarily a downside, but more a missed opportunity, the movie should have taken more risks. Sequels are times for risk and changes. While more characters were added, the film could’ve done more than just relying on Deadpool’s wit to carry the occasionally slow yet surprisingly wholesome narrative from start to finish (wholesome in regard to the plot’s motivation, not content). A risk the film could have taken, however, is in its character development. While slightly present, it isn’t lived to its fullest potential. Instead the film hides meaningful development behind similar jokes. Again, the jokes used are funny — there is nothing wrong with them. It just could have been interesting to see a “Deadpool” with a few more human moments.

Deadpool is franchised. That’s not a bold claim or a surprising truth, as franchising has become a trend in the movie industry. For good reason, too — just look how the new “Avengers” is doing so far. But why make it so obvious? The movie’s plot is practically centered around franchising. Without giving away too much, Deadpool’s hunt for a perfect “team” isn’t written to set up just the third act, but also the third movie. Sequels are without a doubt important — and I will definitely watch a third Deadpool movie — but the film seems to jump the gun. It was as if the creators were so excited to start the third movie they didn’t even let “Deadpool 2” get through the second act without implying the next bigger and badder adventure. De-emphasizing clear markers of franchising would’ve improved the film by not making certain scenes feel like set-up for a third.

The movie is funny and entertaining, and the new characters motivate a fairly simple plot while adding to the swell of humor. “Deadpool 2” doesn’t succeed over the first, but it continues on the groundwork it laid. The movie entertained with traditional violence alongside stranger scenes (including ones where full-grown men had baby legs?).


Written by: Nicolas Rago — arts@theaggie.org


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