89.4 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Campus judicial report


A first-year student was referred to Student Judicial Affairs for plagiarism after he failed to properly cite sources from a website. Three sentences were copied without the use of quotation marks and were incorrectly cited. The student admitted that this was due to carelessness and bad methodology when writing his paper. He wrongly assumed his notes from the website were from lecture. Because this is this student’s first year and first referral, he agreed to the disciplinary sanction of a censure, knowing that continued or repeated violations of university policy and regulations would be cause for further disciplinary action.


An upperclassman was referred to SJA for submitting a paper for credit that was almost completely plagiarized. When he met with a judicial officer, he admitted right away that there was no excuse for what he had done but explained that he has been under a lot of stress due to personal reasons. This was the student’s first referral. He agreed to disciplinary probation through graduation and 10 hours of community service.

And again

A senior was referred to SJA for submitting an essay and a final exam that were both plagiarized. The student’s essay contained material that was not properly paraphrased, and in addition he failed to cite the source of the material. In his final exam, the student cut and pasted material from a website and claimed that due to lack of time, he failed to delete the paragraph that was from the website. Having been referred twice, for his essay and then again for his final exam, the student agreed to the disciplinary sanction of deferred separation, in addition to 20 hours of community service.

The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board. Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at sja.ucdavis.edu.


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