70.8 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Police Logs


Squirrels: Friends or foes?

October 10

“Ongoing problem with transient / Currently urinating on the building. Employee requesting 602 and contact to see about further action.”

“Squirrel inside residence.”


October 11

“Subject came to reporting party’s door and stated he was in a contest and needed to contact 1200 people.”


October 12

“Transient male has been in restroom for approximately 25 mins, requested he be removed.”


October 13

“RP’s daughter states that her parents are next door to a residence that has 30-50 marijuana plants in the backyard say she is concerned for her parents due to the numerous coming and goings — grow lights on at night — homeowner has been put in a residential facility and her grandson is now living in the home — plants came be viewed from backyard of reporting party’s home — daughter lives out of town.”


October 16

“Reporting party and husband stayed in the hotel over the weekend and during the night they heard voices from an adjacent room and smelled sulfur. Both and reporting party and husband now think there was a meth lab.”

“On-going issue with tennant, X has a history of mental health illness and has been turning on all of the water in the parking lot causing flooding. X has also taken Comcast pods.”

“Heard only group of subjects outside yelling like having fun, then heard a big truck back into reporting party’s roommates parked vehicle, damage to vehicle.”



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