70.8 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Police Logs


Nursery rhymes and knives

October 24

“Two subjects sitting in a black pickup truck. Reporting party states they are unfamiliar and is concerned one of them may have just snorted drugs.”


October 25

“Truancy issues with her son.”


October 26

“White male adult 30’s lsw hoodie and jeans…holding larger sized knife and staring at the ground.”


October 27

“Possible pocket dial or child playing with phone — nursery rhymes heard in background.”

“Injured turkey.”


October 28

“Transient female shouting at bench outside.”


October 29

“On going problem with female driving on wrong side of roadway and running stop signs, solely to take recyclables from garbage cans.”

“Responding party found a lighter in the backyard and believes it to be a threat against her/his property.”


October 30

“Two males in front of the store intoxicated and refusing leave, one subject is passed out.”



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