96.8 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Police Logs

Piles of leaves need to leave

November 7

“Male came into store, upset his sandwich was made late. Subject demanded free items and employees refused. Subject was upset for not getting compensation.”

November 8

“Marijuana buds left on a bench. Request items be cleaned up.”

November 9

“Reporting party wants to know when the scheduled leaf pick up is. Reporting party already looked online and cannot find anything, requested we call out after hours public works to find out. Dispatch advised reporting party [that] this doesn’t qualify for a callout. Reporting party then stated that he’s concerned for elderly people due to the amount of leafs [sic] and other particles the tree drops. At [the] end of [the] call, reporting party then reiterated that he wanted the pickup scheduled.”

“[Reporting party] wants officers to follow up with a call he made Thursday night where a neighbor’s child dumped bale of hay on driveway. Officers had told the parents to clean up the mess or they would be cited. Reporting party states hay was not cleaned up properly.”

November 11

“Salesperson refusing to leave reporting party’s premises, currently outside the residence.” 

November 13

“Reporting party’s credit card stuck in reader, requested assistance.”

November 14

“Possible breathing or snoring heard.”


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