70.8 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Return to in-person activities also marks the return to live sporting events

The Aggie talks to avid UC Davis fan about post-COVID games so far, with advice for newcomers and those interested


By JUSTIN YU-HSUN CHU — sports@theaggie.org


With the majority of people vaccinated, UC Davis has recently transitioned back into in-person teaching and alongside it, many sports events and competitions have come back into full action. With the returning students, including freshmen and sophomores who have never or rarely been to campus or had a chance to watch any of the games due to COVID-19 shutting down professional and college sports altogether, now is the perfect time to watch a variety of sports.

Alex Householder, a fourth-year Managerial Economics major at UC Davis and avid UC Davis sports fan, accepted a request for an interview regarding his thoughts and recommendations for returning students on the topic of sport events coming back, especially football events. Householder wanted to express his warm welcome to old and new students alike who have an interest in getting to know the football scene but haven’t had a chance or don’t know how, he said.


Q: Alex, would you like to start us off with an introduction?

A: I’m a fourth-year Managerial Economics major, and a big, I mean BIG sports fan. I watch pretty much everything ranging from college sports to the national leagues — NBA, NFL, MLB you name it. UFC as well!


Q: That’s awesome, I assume that means you’ve watched many of the Aggies’ games, right?

A: I’ve either been to, or watched on television, every single football game that UC Davis has had since I was a freshman here. This season, so far, they are doing really good, save that one bad game against Idaho. I think they should be able to make a pretty deep run into the playoffs too. My first game back was on Sept. 18, Dixie State versus UC Davis.


Q: How would you describe the influences or impacts the pandemic has had on the sports scene for you as a fan? 

A: Honestly, it sucked.There weren’t any games at all, and I couldn’t do anything. I was super excited when this season finally launched around August, because there were really no full capacity games before it, and I couldn’t wait to see a game in person again.


Q: There are many students that are new to the Aggies, or even new to football, that have joined us this year. Do you have any advice or recommendations for them on how to get to know the game or enjoy it?

A: Oh for starters, definitely just go to games and learn about the rules if you can beforehand. You can either go with your roommates, friends or simply go there and talk to people sitting beside you! During my first week of my freshman year there was a homecoming game, and it was one of the best experiences, bonding with new friends and cheering on the school team together.


Q: Tell us more! Are there any tips, precautions or things that students should know about before going to the games?

A: Most importantly is the fact that students do not have to pay for the tickets to the games at UC Davis. Yeah, for free. Before the pandemic, they used to hand out tickets at the MU the week before the game, but now they have a website and a promo code that allows students to get all the tickets for free. I know some schools make students pay for their tickets, and it’s really nice that Davis makes it free. It made it a lot easier for me to persuade my friends to join me in watching games.


Q: That’s great news, thank you so much for your tips! Is there anything else you want to say?

A: On Nov. 20, we play against Sacramento State, our rival, and it’s gonna be a big game, and a great game to start off if you want to get to join the football scene. If you have time, be sure to grab some tickets and go watch the game!


With the game against Sacramento State coming up around the corner, now’s the time for students interested in watching the games and joining other Aggies in cheering to get ready to grab some tickets.

Games now typically go for around 3 to 4 hours, and arriving a little over an hour before, according to Householder, pretty much guarantees you to get the best seats since it’s around when the gates open. However, being there 15-20 minutes earlier should suffice for good seats. The football stadium, UC Davis Health Stadium, is near Tercero, within walking distance. After over a year of quarantine because of COVID, now’s the time to immerse in the awesome college experience again, and go watch your first, or one of many, Aggie football games and other sporting events.


Written by: Justin Yu-Hsun Chu — sports@theaggie.org


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