71 F

Davis, California

Friday, September 6, 2024

Editorial: City Council

Former mayor of Davis Don Saylor’s move to the Yolo County Board of Supervisors has left a seat open on the Davis City Council.

As a result, Joe Krovoza has taken over as mayor while Rochelle Swanson was voted mayor pro tem. The remaining two members, Stephen Souza and Sue Greenwald, have been involved in Davis politics for over a decade. It’s time for some young blood.

The council has 60 days to fill the position and is currently accepting applications on the city’s website. The applicants will be whittled down to 10, all of whom will be voted on by the current council after a candidate forum.

Since the application is open to all voters registered in Davis, qualified students should apply. The term begins on March 1 and will last 16 months.

With the recent departure of UC Davis student Lamar Heystek, there is a distinct lack of a student-oriented voice on the council. This is alarming considering the fact that the UC Davis student body is half as big as the entire population of Davis.

It’s easy for students to ignore city politics, but it’s not too late to get involved. The city council can and does affect student life in a profound way. The council makes decisions affecting everything from the businesses that come to town to Picnic Day regulations. There needs to be somebody looking out for the students.

Any interested student should not hesitate to represent. Visit cityofdavis.org to apply.


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