71 F

Davis, California

Friday, September 6, 2024

Aggie Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the Jan. 6 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room.

Meeting called to order at 6:11 p.m.

Jack Zwald, ASUCD president, arrived late at 7:05 p.m., left early at 10:05 p.m.

Previn Witana, ASUCD vice president, present

Ozzy Arce, ASUCD senator, present

Emmanuel Diaz-Ordaz, ASUCD senator, present

Osahon Ekhator, ASUCD senator, present

Andre Lee, ASUCD senator, present

Tatiana Moana Bush, ASUCD senator, present, left early at 7:30 p.m.

Darwin Moosavi, ASUCD senator, present

Matthew Provencher, ASUCD senator, present

Selisa Romero, ASUCD senator, present

Rebecca Sterling, ASUCD senator, present

Alison Tanner, ASUCD senator, president pro tempore, present

Adam Thongsavat, ASUCD senator, present

Liz Walz, ASUCD senator, present


Daniel Goodman, Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) coordinator, presented ideas for the display cases overseen by the SGAO.

Appointments and Confirmations

Anna Ha and Duaa Gettani were confirmed to the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission.

Annemarie Stone was confirmed to the Academic Affairs Commission.

Travis Rego and Lirio Zepeda were confirmed to the External Affairs Commission.

Andrea Abergel was confirmed to the Internal Affairs Commission.

Urgent Legislation

An urgent Senate Bill, authored by Sergio Cano, co-authored by Ryan Meyerhoff and introduced by Thongsavat, to prevent the position of Elections Committee chair from remaining vacant, was passed unanimously.

Introduction of New Legislation

A Senate Bill, authored by Brianna Espino, co-authored by Arce and Tanner and introduced by Tanner, to allocate money from Capital Reserves to purchase one high-output copy machine for Campus Copies, was introduced.

Status of Legislation Previously Passed

Senate Bill 29, authored by Cano, co-authored by Meyerhoff, Nick Sydney and Thongsavat and introduced by Thongsavat, to correct inaccuracies in the Election Codes, was vetoed by President Zwald. Zwald recommended that the senate create guidelines for violation points so there is uniformity in the violation point assessment.

Consideration of Old Legislation

Senate Bill 25, authored by Cano, co-authored by Joey Chen, T. Lee Straw and Thongsavat and introduced by Thongsavat, to implement the Long-Range Plan for Unitrans, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 23, authored and introduced by Thongsavat, co-authored by Walz, to allocate $1,165.13 from Capital Reserves to purchase six new chairs and a conference table for the new Student Government Conference Room, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 24, authored by Melanie Maemura, co-authored by Sabastian Belser, Chen, and Jason Wong and introduced by Thongsavat, to implement the Long-Range Plan for STS/Tipsy Taxi, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 28, authored by Cano, co-authored by Chen and Rudy Ornelas and introduced by Thongsavat, to clarify Chapter 10, which outlines the procedures for Budget Hearings, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 33, authored and introduced by Thongsavat, co-authored by Arce, Cano, Dylan Schaefer and Tanner, to create an ASUCD Renter’s Rights Special Committee, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 32, authored by Joey Chen, co-authored by Raj Kumar, introduced by Tanner, to amend the Experimental College (EC) budget to strike the Publicity Coordinator position and enact the Publicity Manager position in its place, passed unanimously.

Public Discussion

The following members of the ASUCD Office of City and County Affairs said they would resign if Senate Bill 33 passed: Jeanna Gindi, assistant director of projects, Kevin Pascual, assistant director of policy, and Sabrina Dias, Housing Day coordinator. They said they had no knowledge of the new committee and felt like the senate was undermining them. After a discussion and the addition of a sub-committee to Senate Bill 33, Gindi, Pascual and Dias withdrew their resignations.

Lee said the Internet and Networking Committee wanted to ask if the senate should cut AS Papers. Lee would rather cut the unit than give more funds to it. Zwald supported Lee.

Past Meeting Minutes


Meeting adjourned at 11:33 p.m.

MICHELLE MURPHY compiles the senate briefs. She can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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