72.9 F

Davis, California

Saturday, September 7, 2024

CD review: Radiohead

Artist: Radiohead

Album: The King of Limbs

Label: TBD Records

Rating: 4

With an infamous benevolence for the digital age and access to their music (In Rainbows’ controversial release in 2007), Radiohead dropped its eighth album like a virtual bomb, shattering airwaves Friday morning when it was released a day early. It’s hard to believe that the highly anticipated album, The King of Limbs, is here.

Spotted playing surprise shows at low-key venues this past year, Thom Yorke teased fans with potential new material and outlets for Radiohead’s latest release. Yorke’s solo experimentations and exploration of electronic sounds has definitely seeped through in The King of Limbs.

Some might say that Radiohead has replaced guitar riffs for synths and electronic beats – but the purely organic melodies derived through hymns and the simplicity of Yorke’s signature, resonating voice is what makes the album more organic and, in many ways, stunning.

The King of Limbs may be a large leap from OK Computer, Kid A, Hail to Thief, The Bends, and even In Rainbows, but the progression of Radiohead’s sound through the years is always a great one to witness and be pleasantly surprised.

Just one thing, Radiohead. Please never become predictable.

Give these tracks a listen: “Morning Mr. Magpie,” Lotus Flower” and “Codex”

For fans of: Thom Yorke

– Uyen Cao


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