70.8 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Editorial: AS Papers

Associated Students Providing Alternative Publications Equal Resources is an ASUCD special project whose funding was recently cut.

Established in 1993, AS Papers has provided the necessary resources for campus and community members to create and run alternative publications on campus.

The purpose of AS Papers was to help students in the process of creating and running their individual publications. Unfortunately, it has not been successful in recent years, due to a combination of decreasing student participation and funding.

We believe in the power of alternative publications as a means to express the various voices of the community. Though they would compete with The Aggie, UC Davis is a diverse campus with many diverse opinions, and we feel it is important that these viewpoints are addressed.

We are pleased that AS Papers Director Sean Dolan will seek to establish a workshop class in technocultural studies, dedicated to more relevant 21st century media. If Dolan follows through with his plan, students will have a chance to design and establish individual publications, an opportunity that is otherwise unavailable without AS Papers. Hopefully this class will be a solid platform for alternative publications, which could develop into separate important campus institutions.

Without this program, our campus is at a loss. We hope that Dolan follows through with his plan to save the program.


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