70.8 F

Davis, California

Thursday, September 5, 2024

UC Davis receives $117 million in annual gifts

Philanthropic donors have given UC Davis more than $117.6 million in annual gifts during the 2010-11 fiscal year.

The donations have come from over 40,000 donors, ranging from alumni, staff, corporations, friends of the university, etc. This marks the fifth year in a row that UC Davis has received over $100 million dollars in support.

“Even during the economic downturn, UC Davis’ academic leaders and development professionals continued to engage alumni and prospective donors, keeping friends updated on UC Davis’ accomplishments and impacts on the world,” said Paul Prokop, interim associate vice chancellor for development in the Office of University Development. “Now with the economy showing signs of recovery, many of UC Davis’ supporters are making gift commitments that align with their philanthropic passions and the universities land-grant mission to serve society.”

In the 2010-11 fiscal year, UC Davis received philanthropic support that surpassed the 2009-10 $112.3 million annual gifts from donors. UC Davis received $108.1 million in the 2008-09 fiscal year and $216.8 million in 2007-08 from donors, Prokop said.

Every donor that gives to UC Davis has the option to choose where their donation will be going, as long as it advances the teaching, research and public service mission, Prokop said

“Students at every level – undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students – experience the benefits of philanthropic support through increased funding for scholarships, fellowships and academic awards,” Prokop said.

In addition to providing scholarships and fellowships to aspiring students, the philanthropic gifts help improve educational facilities, construct new buildings, enrich educational programs and provide more student outreach programs.

“Funding is super tight at the moment, I can do [research] and get paid to do it, which is the most direct way that philanthropic support has helped me”, said Chris Bishop, a doctorate level two in neuroscience, who received the Fletcher Jones Fellowship in 2009-10, and the Charles and Marjorie Elliot Fellowship in 2010-11.

Awards such as the Chancellor’s Achievement Awards, a financial award given to undergraduates, are sponsored through donor gifts, Prokop said.

“Private gifts are a crucial source of funding for UC Davis as we work to address the world’s most critical issues through our innovative teaching,” said Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi in a statement. “We are very grateful to our donors for making philanthropic investments that advance UC Davis’ land-grant mission to serve society.”

Last fiscal year, all philanthropic donations went toward a series of departments, such as student scholarships, fellowships, endowed faculty chairs, research and instruction, Prokop said.

All donations were a part of the Campaign for UC Davis. The multi-year campaign aims to accumulate 100,000 donors to contribute $1 billion to UC Davis by the end of 2014 calendar year. The campaign recently reached 70 percent ($702 million) of its goal with the help of 82,889 donors.

ALICIA KINDRED can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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