43.4 F

Davis, California

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Daily Calendar



Kim Epifano Dance workshop

10:30 a.m. to noon

University Club

Learn how to dance while feeling the air at this free Chinese movement workshop. Contact Lynette Hunter to reserve space at lhunter@ucdavis.edu.


Soul food talk

1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

3201 Hart

This talk will discuss soul food and African American conversations about it. This event is part of Black Family Week.


Voice studio recital

3:30 to 5 p.m.

115 Music

This free concert will feature voice students Justin Montigne, Zoila Muñoz and Bharati Soman.


Make Your Own Mantra

4 p.m.

The House

Relax with students at The House at this event. The House is an on-campus peer mental wellness center.


Petronius lecture

4 p.m.

53A Olson

Massimo Fusillo, professor from the University of LAquila, will give a talk titledPetronius and the Contemporary New Picaresque Novel: Problems of Genealogy and Genre.


Zhang Ailing’s works

5 to 7 p.m.

University Club

Experts will discuss writer Zhang Ailing’s early years in Shanghai and Hong Kong, and her collaboration with Shanghai composer Zhu Jian’er. Contact Lynette Hunter to reserve space at lhunter@ucdavis.edu.


ASUCD budget hearings

5 to 7:50 p.m.

Memorial Union Garrison Room

See what next year holds in store for your favorite ASUCD unit.


UCD Dance team clinic

6:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Upper Hickey Gym

Want to become a UCD dance team member? Find out what it takes at this open clinic. This is the last clinic before tryouts.


D-Q University 101

7 p.m.

234 Wellman

Learn more about this Native American college from a student panel.


Documentary screening

7 p.m.

1322 Storer

This documentary features footage and pictures from children in the Brazilian Amazon.


Birdstrike Theater show

7 to 9 p.m.

Griffin Lounge, Memorial Union

Laugh midterms away with this on-campus student improv troupe.


OpenStreetMap founder talk

7 to 9 p.m.

1006 Geidt

Steve Coast, founder of the OpenStreetMap project, will talk about his free online global map project. Free pizza will be served.


Local Tones concert

8 p.m.

1100 Social Sciences and Humanities

This UCD a cappella concert will feature The Spokes and The Afterglow.


Keep a Child Alive

8 p.m.

ARC Ballroom

Come to a benefit dinner celebrating the African diaspora sponsored by the Pan-African Student Organization. Enjoy a night of poetry, music, food and dance. Tickets are $10 at the Freeborn ticket office and $15 at the door. All profits go to Keep a Child Alive.


American Pastime and student film screening

8 p.m.

194 Chemistry

The Asian American Film Festival wraps up with this movie and a student film contest.


Dance party fundraiser

9 p.m.

Delta of Venus

Support the Bike Church at this dance party with local DJs, a bike raffle and other goodies for sale.




Rummage sale fundraiser

All day

Fifth and C Streets

Support the Davis Farm to School Connection, which provides gardens at schools, school recycling programs and cooking classes.


UCD Dance team tryouts

9 a.m.

Upper Hickey Gym

Want to become a UCD dance team member? Prove yourself to join this nationally ranked team.


ASUCD budget hearings

9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

DeCarli Room, Memorial Union

See what next year holds in store for your favorite ASUCD unit.


Linux Installfest

10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

260 South Silo

Bring your computer to this event, and volunteers will help you install and configure the Linux operating system. RSVP required at least 24 hours in advance. For details and to register, visit www.lugod.org/if.


Graduate student piano recital

2 p.m.

115 Music

Katerina Frank and Peter Hill will give this free piano concert. Works include two-piano and four-hand works by John Adams and Schubert.


UC Davis Gospel Choir concert

7 p.m.

Freeborn Hall

This concert includes African and African American choral music, including contemporary and traditional gospel, spirituals, hymns and anthems. Tickets are $14 adults, $7 students and children.




Cheer team tryouts

9 a.m.

Upper Hickey Gym

See if you can make the cut and join the UCD Cheer team! Open to everyone.


Band-uh-thon fundraiser

11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Central Park

Support the Aggie Band-Uh! This fundraiser includes a raffle, silent auction, live performances, snacks and kidsactivities. Tickets are $1.


ASUCD budget hearings

11 a.m. to 4:10 p.m.

Mee Room, Memorial Union

See what next year holds in store for your favorite ASUCD unit.



1 to 5 p.m.

Freeborn Hall

Celebrate Black Family Week with this fun and exciting performance.


Gospel Extravaganza Banquet

5:30 to 9 p.m.

Alumni Center

Conclude Black Family Week with this banquet dinner.


UC Davis Symphony Orchestra8 p.m.Mondavi Center Jackson HallListen to this talented student orchestra. Works will include composers Mussorgsky, Wagner and Berlioz. Tickets are $16/13/10 adults and $8/6.50/5 students and children.


To receive placement in the AGGIE DAILY CALENDAR, e-mail dailycal@californiaaggie.com or stop by 25 Lower Freeborn by noon the day prior to your event. Due to space constraints, all event descriptions are subject to editing, and priority will be given to events that are free of charge and geared toward the campus community. XXX


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