Pet rock adoption center
An individual was seen taking rocks from the front of a business on Del Rio Place.
Fight Club Jr.
A group of 10 juveniles was fighting in the parking garage on G Street.
Forgotten bong
Drug paraphernalia was found on a balcony on D Street.
Topsy-turvy traffic
Lights were turning green for different directions simultaneously at the intersection of First Street and D Street.
Old-fashioned spam delivery
An individual on Fifth Street received a bogus sweepstakes letter.
Trash digger
A subject was going from house to house digging through trash for something unknown on Tufts Street and Dresbach Way.
A Japanese maple tree was stolen from a porch on Seventh Street.
Attention deficit
A welfare check was requested for a juvenile who was standing in the bike lane trying to get motorists to honk their horns on Shasta Drive.
He left his heart in San Francisco
An individual was panhandling for money to get back to the Bay Area on Research Park Drive.
Anthrax? Eyeshadow? War paint?
A “powdery blue substance” was found in a bathroom on Fifth Street.
Unwanted dog-sitting
An individual entered a neighbor’s yard while they were away and placed their dog in the garage.
POLICE BRIEFS are compiled by JEREMY OGUL from the public logs of the Davis Police Department and represent the official version of what happened. The police blotter can be found online at This segment appears on Mondays during the summer.