49.6 F

Davis, California

Saturday, February 15, 2025




Hey, it’s comfy when you’re drunk

A subject was sleeping on the sidewalk on Olive Drive.


y r u so ugly?

An individual on Valdora Street was receiving harassing text messages.


The case of the missing cactus

The reporting party’s plants are starting to grow again and subjects are once again stealing the cactus on Bucklebury Road.


That’s gonna leave a mark

Subjects wrote their names in the wet cement at a construction site on Humboldt Avenue and Imperial Avenue.




Super soaker!

A man on University Avenue pointed a hose at another individual and soaked her.


Sustainable (and early) Santa Claus

An individual on a bike was seen carrying two large bags on Chestnut Lane.


Crazy carpet cleaner

An individual’s cleaning lady told her that a man came to the door stating he had an appointment to clean the rugs and was very insistent on coming in.




He was getting ready to shout

An individual was seen climbing onto a rooftop on Anderson Road.


It was actually just a skunk

A strong smell of marijuana was reported in the area of Wake Forest Drive, but officers were unable to locate anything.




Chasing his tail, most likely

An elderly male subject was seen walking in circles on West Covell Boulevard at John Jones Road.


Down and out

An individual was seen with a possible head injury and nosebleed stumbling on the railroad tracks on Second Street.


Surprise party!

Approximately 100 people were congregating outside of an individual’s residence, possibly overflow from another nearby event.


POLICE BRIEFS are compiled by JEREMY OGUL from the public logs of the Davis Police Department and represent the official version of what happened. View the crime blotter online at cityofdavis.org/police/log. This segment appears Tuesdays and Fridays. 


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