Soccer moms revolt
Two mini-vans were abandoned for several weeks on Hanover Drive.
White trash family counseling
An individual’s soon to be ex-daughter-in-law was pounding on the front door, repeatedly calling and refusing to leave on Quarter Circle.
FOX News casting call
A homeless man on Second and D Streets was yelling and throwing things at people.
He took “half off” too seriously
A naked man was inside a business on G Street, according to secondhand information.
Just chillin‘
A live gray bird sitting in the middle of Richards Boulevard refused to move despite traffic.
At least it wasn’t a turd
An unknown male threw a large rock into a pool and yelled obscenities on Hunt Way.
Grand Theft Auto: Davis
Two big trucks were racing and swerving between cars on Mace Boulevard and I-80.
Red Bull gives you wings
An abandoned wheelchair was seen on the overpass with no one seen in the area on West Covell Boulevard.
It’s noon somewhere
An individual was seen drinking alcohol at a picnic table near the playground on Sycamore Lane at 9:30 a.m.
POLICE BRIEFS are compiled by JEREMY OGUL (this time with help from ALYSOUN BONDE) from the public logs of the Davis Police Department and represent the official version of what happened. This segment appears Tuesdays and Fridays.