81.9 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Test materials vending machine available in Olson Hall

In case you forget to swing by the bookstore for last-minute testing supplies on your way to a midterm, a new vending machine in the basement of Olson Hall now sells bluebooks and Scantron.

ASUCD Senator Chris Dietrich spearheaded the effort to install the $5,000 machine, paid for by the UC Davis Bookstore. If the machine is widely used, more will be placed around campus in the future.

“These vending machines are going to provide a service that is going to be very valuable to the students of UC Davis,Dietrich said.It will be helpful for students who forget their supplies on test days and will save them their valuable time during a test period. I am excited to see the machines put in place and hope that the student body will use them widely.

Bookstore administrators expect the vending sales to fully recoup the machines initial cost over time.

“Our goal in installing this machine is to provide increased convenience to students, addressing a need expressed by ASUCD for availability of testing supplies outside of our normal hours of operation,said Kelly Holt, special orders buyer for the bookstore.


ALYSOUN BONDE can be reached at campus@californiaaggie.com


  1. On this day in December if 2021; after a few long walks across campus beyond the hours of the student store I found that there is, in fact, no vending machine with school supplies in the depths of Olson hall. However, had I been in desperate need of a beverage the time I wasted would have felt worth it. Yet, now I know that if an Aggie were to need a scantron you’ve just gotta go to the Student Community Center if it’s after 6pm or so & they’ll even give it to you for free.


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