97.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Letter to the editor

My name is Chrys Komodikis, and I am a student at the Graduate School of Management here on campus. I am writing to you as a passionate supporter of Proposition 1A – a vote on whether to issue a $10 billion bond to finance a modern high-speed rail system through California.

As I’m sure you know, the drive on Interstate 80, Route 99 in Sacramento or even through the maze down in Los Angeles is one of the top grievances among Californians.

Imagine a world where the logistics of a day trip to San Francisco from here are barely a consideration. A train ride from Sacramento to SF would become like today’s drive from Davis to Sacramento.

This is a solution to soaring auto fuel prices, aircraft delays, slow aircraft security checks and plummeting airline service. Most importantly, it is both the cheapest AND the fastest alternative for intercity travel – all at the cost of $17/person/year over the next 30 years! This is not a bad deal.

California is one of the most advanced societies in the world, and the fifth largest economy. A solid transportation system is key to maintaining our competitive advantage if we are to attract the best skills, minds and organizations to this state. If there is one area where we lag behind our competition (e.g. UK, France, Germany, Japan and now China), it is in transportation solutions.

I sincerely hope your publication speaks to this issue and recognizes the importance of an affirmative vote.

Thank you so much for reading,


Chrys Komodikis


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