Providing false information
A student was referred to Student Judicial Affairs for claiming he had medical reasons for why he failed to turn in a written assignment on time. After some discussion with a Judicial Officer, the student admitted to providing false information for the purpose of getting an extension on the assignment. Because providing false information is a violation of the Code of Academic conduct, the student agreed to a Disciplinary Probation until fall quarter 2009. Due to the personal circumstances of the student’s situation, the student also agreed to seek professional psychological counseling for stress management from UC Davis Counseling and Psychological Services.
Use of unauthorized material
A student violated the Code of Academic Conduct when she decided to use a table from her textbook during an exam. The professor had allowed students to use the appendices from the book, but specified clearly in writing that only the appendices were to be used. The student admitted she did not pay close attention to the professor’s directions and had thought using the tables were allowed. Since University Policy prohibits any use of unauthorized materials during an exam, even if the intent is not dishonest, the student agreed to a censure.
The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board. Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at