96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

Drug use in the dorms


A first-year student was reported to the Student Housing Office and SJA after smoking marijuana in her dorm room. Believing that the odor would not be detected, the student smoked the marijuana and blew the smoke out the window. When meeting with the Judicial Officer, the student admitted that she had frequently used the drug for the past three months and was unaware of the cannabis odor around her. The student was allowed to remain in the dorm on condition that she cease the drug use and adhere to her housing contract.


Resubmitting old work in a repeat class


A professor in the American Studies department reported a sophomore student for submitting an old paper from the same class the student took a year prior. The student first submitted the term paper in spring 2007. When repeating the class the following spring quarter, the student submitted the exact same paper for the class assignment. The TA recognized the paper and brought it to the professor’s attention. The student agreed to a censure, which is a formal warning to the student that another violation would lead to more serious consequences.

When students submit their old assignments for new credit, they are violating the UCD Code of Academic Conduct. Although they are not plagiarizing another’s work, university policy is clear regarding the need to submit original work for every class taken.

In some instances, a professor will grant permission for a student to resubmit old assignments for new credit, but the student must ask prior to submitting the work.


The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board. Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at sja.ucdavis.edu.



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